It’s me YANNIE

We all know that our life is full of surprises such us problems and challenges. We often think that sometimes our life s quite unfair because our world has a different people with different status and kind of life. There are people who are rich and there are people who is poor. But me, I’m not the type of person who wishes a lot of things because I am contented for what I have. I’m contented for being happy despite of all the hardships, problems and challenges that given to me. I’m contented with my simple life because I know that God has a plan for everything and He knows the best for us. So that, be contented for what you have and who you are.

Think positive!

For me, challenges will make me more stronger and braver to fight and face all the challenges that God will be given to me. I believe that God has a reason for everything that is happened. And I believe that every challenges that he gives to me will help me to grow as an succesful individual, good person, a model, and a better person in the near future.

I believe that all the hardships will be worth it someday. All the meal that I skip, all the time that I have no sleep even just for an hour, all the time that I fell down, All the fails and success, all the sadness and happiness, all the tears that I cried, all the mistakes that I’ve done, and all the sacrifices will be worth it someday. With God’s help I’ll be great!

And that is me. I am a jolly and happy person that will never give up on dreams to have a better life and better future. I am a positive thinker person. I am strong and brave person to face all the challenges. And I am a kind of person who believes in herself and stay strong no matter what. Because I believe that God knows the best for me. And I will just go with flow of life.